Monday, December 6, 2010

Ms. Kristen Melnick----Global Studies 10--Imperialism Project

Imperialism Project
Due December 22, 2010
Library Resources
Big6 Information Skills
Gale Student Resources in Context
Virtual Reference Collection
ABC CLIO World History (Modern Era)
Proquest Historical NY Times (from 1851)

World Atlas (World Geography and Culture)
Online Catalog
Academic Integrity
NoodleTools Citation System
Citation Machine
Historical Context: As a result of the Industrial Revolution, many European nations needed to find sources of raw materials and new markets to sell their product. An Age of Imperialism ensued, as nations began looking outside their borders for the means to meet their insatiable demands.
Task: You will be assigned to research a present-day country that was a victim of the forces of imperialism during the 19th and/or 20th centur(ies). The information you gather will be used to complete the following:
Part I: Research Report (45 points)
Write a report that thoroughly discusses the following components:
• History of your assigned country before imperialism:
o Type of government that existed before imperialism
o Names of ethnic/cultural groups that lived there before the land was imperialized
o Cultural aspects (language, religion, traditions, etc.) of society before imperialism
• History of your assigned country during imperialism:
o Name of European country that imposed imperialistic rule
o Name of your assigned country during imperialistic rule
o Explain how imperialism occurred- was there violence involved? Which resources/raw materials did the European country look to acquire?
o How did the imperial country rule- was it a colony? If so, was it directly or indirectly ruled? Was it a protectorate? Sphere of influence?
o For how long was your assigned country imperialized?
• Independence:
o Explain how independence was achieved- Was there any violence involved?
o Key figures from both sides
o Year independence was achieved
• Effects of Imperialism:
o Type of government today
o Evidence of cultural diffusion
o Positives and negatives
Part II: Timeline (20 points)
Create a timeline that includes 10 key events in your country’s history. At least 5 of the events must have occurred during the time of imperialistic rule.
Part III: Two Maps (10 points)
1. On the map provided, locate, label, and color in your assigned country.
2. Create a map of your assigned country (find a blank outline map online) and include the following details:
o Rivers and lakes
o Capital and major cities
o Natural resources
o Industrial centers (if any)
Part IV: Opinion Piece (20 points)
You must complete one of the following:
1. Create a political cartoon depicting life in your assigned country during imperialistic rule. This can be from the point of view of a foreign imperialist or a native to the country. Be sure to include symbols such as the names of key figures, places, and/or events.
2. Write an editorial news article detailing an opinion of imperialism in your assigned country. Be sure to include the names of key figures, places, and/or events. This can be from the point of view of a foreign imperialist or a native to the country. Must be at least one full page typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. Please double space.
A works cited page must be included. You must use at least 5 sources of information.
It is worth 5 points!
Countries: (Your assigned country is highlighted)
1. Angola (Cabinda)
2. Rep. of the Congo
3. Namibia
4. Zimbabwe
5. South Africa
6. Algeria
7. Nigeria
8. Kenya
9. Chad
10. Zanzibar (Tanzania)
11. Egypt
12. Tunisia
13. Morocco
14. Burkina Faso
15. Togo
16. Uganda
17. Rwanda
18. Somalia
19. Sudan
20. Cameroon
21. Cote D’Ivoire
22. Sierra Leone
23. Malawi
24. Gambia
25. Ghana
26. Sao Tome & Principe
27. Gabon
28. Botswana
29. Zambia
30. Mozambique
Suggested Websites: