Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mr. Jeffrey Harris-----Economics

Business Company Resource Center
Proquest Multiple Databases (Newsday, New York Times, Wall Street Journal)
Online Catalog
Academic Integrity

Consumer Education Projects
Your job is to become an expert on one of the following topics and then teach the important ideas about it to the class. Your final grades in the class and your consumer education credit depend on your project, your presentation and a final exam.
“Why am I broke all the time?” How and why to do a personal budget.
“What security deposit?” How to rent an apartment.
“Pay myself first? What the…?” The how and why of savings.
“As seen on TV.” The power of advertising.
“The story of stuff.” How do my buying habits affect the world?
“Scams, spam and getting slammed.” How to avoid getting ripped off online and in the real world.
“I wish my parents were rich.” How to pay for college and not get buried in debt.”
“But I thought I was making 10 bucks an hour!” What to expect from wages. Where does all the money go from your paycheck?
“Pay the man.” How to do your taxes.
“Oh Lord, won’t ya buy me a Mercedes Benz.” How to buy cars and other expensive stuff. (or just take the train)
“A cheeseburger costs $487.63?” How to avoid credit card debt.
“If it seems too good to be true...” How bad consumer decisions contributed to the recent financial crisis.
If you already have Consumer Ed credit you can work on one of the above projects, or do a project which applies psychology to consumer behavior. You must give me a written proposal about your original topic so I can approve it.
Each team must create:
* A one-page handout with key ideas which will be printed and distributed. (10pts)
* An activity so students can practice using the information. This can be a worksheet, a game, an online activity or some other learning tool. (10pts)
* A 10 question multiple choice quiz on your topic. (10pts)
In addition to the above, each team must present their information to the class through a PowerPoint presentation, a video, a website or other product (20pts). The presentation should be 10 minutes long and the activity should take 5 minutes.

Here are links to resources for our Consumer Education unit.

1 - Why am I broke all the time?

2 - What security deposit?

3 - Pay myself first?

4 - As seen on TV:

5 - The story of stuff.

6 - Scams, spam and getting slammed:

7 - I wish my parents were rich!

8 - But I thought I was making 10 bucks an hour...

9 - Pay the man.

10 - Won't ya buy me a Mercedes Benz..

11 - A cheeseburger costs $487.63!

12 - If it seems too good to be true...

In addition to the above, each team must present their information to the class through a PowerPoint presentation, a video, a website or other product (20pts). The presentation should be 10 minutes long and the activity should take 5 minutes.

Thanks to -

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ms. Clarice Riggio-----Great Moral Issues-----Final Project

Click On Image To Access SIRS

Library Resources
Virtual Reference Collection
eLibrary World News Digest
Proquest Historical New York Times (1851-)
Proquest Multiple Databases (includes NY Times-current and other newspapers and periodicals))
SIRS researcher
Gale Cengage Learning Databases
Student Resource Center
Online Catalog
Academic Integrity
NoodleTools Citation System
Citation Machine

Big 6 Information Skills

Great Moral Issues Final Project

Over the course of this semester we have discussed numerous topics, however, the research and background was always done for you. Now it’s your turn, to do the research. The Great Moral Issues Final Project is a research paper. You will have 3 Days in the Computer Lab to work on your project. This Project counts as 20% of your grade for this course!!!

Project Requirements:

Choose a topic: If you choose a topic from the below list or a topic we have discussed in class, It does NOT have to be approved. However if you decide on another topic, you must get approval from me.

3-5 Page Paper: You must write a 3-5 page research paper about your topic, discussing BOTH the pros and cons of the issue. Then you MUST discuss which side you agree with and WHY.

Papers are to be typed, double space, 10-12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial) with normal margins (no more than 1” around).

Works Cited Sheet: In addition to your paper you must have a Works Cited Page with at LEAST 3-5 sources!

Cover Page: You must have a cover sheet for your paper with the following:
Your Name
Great Moral Issues Final Project
Ms. Riggio
Period 7
Spring 2010

Your paper MUST be typed and stapled and handed in on Friday, June 4.

Late Papers will Lose 5 points for each day they are handed in late.

Total number of pages handed in: 5-7

This Project counts as 20% of your final average for this class!

Pre-Approved Research Topics

Capital Punishment
Gay Rights
Physician Assisted Suicide
War on Terror
Animal Rights
Endangered Species
Corporate Agriculture
Healthcare Reform
Government Bailout
Stem Cell Research
Drinking Age/Underage Drinking
Arab/Israeli Conflict
Gun Control

Ms. Clarice Riggio----A.P. World History-----News Research Project

Library Resources
Virtual Reference Collection
World News Digest
Proquest Historical New York Times (1851-)
Proquest Multiple Databases (includes NY Times-current and other newspapers and periodicals))
SIRS researcher
Gale Cengage Learning Databases
Student Resource Center
Online Catalog
Academic Integrity
NoodleTools Citation System
Citation Machine

Big 6 Information Skills


Every day various news organizations report on events and trends that relate to this AP World History course. Careful analysis of such events will give you a better understanding history's recurring themes and the changes over time that have made the world what it is. This project is designed to help you attain such an understanding.

The Assignment

Select one of the following themes in world history we have followed throughout this course. Once you have selected your theme, check with various news outlets to obtain information on your topic. You will be required to:
-Find and analyze 3-5 articles
-Save each article and place all articles into a folder
-Write a 5-7 page, typed paper reporting on the theme and make a calculated prediction as to which way you think it will go in the near future.

Possible Themes

Migration/movement of people, refugees. Examples: immigration from Asia to Europe/U.S., immigrants trying to cross the Channel Tunnel, Mexicans heading to the U.S., Africans heading for Europe.
Ethnic/religious conflict. Examples: Northern Ireland/Irish Republican Army, Middle East/Palestine.
Environmental issues. Examples: global warming, pollution, ozone layer depletion, El NiƱo.
Medical and health issues. Examples: AIDS, cancer, Ebola, stem cell research.
Human rights. Examples: the Balkans/Kosovo/Serbia, Chechnya (Russia), Falun Gong (China), Tibet -- OR -- gender issues/women's rights.
Communications technology. Examples: communication satellites, cell phones, Palm pilots, satellite phones, Internet communication and business.

Recommended Sources: You are NOT limited to these suggestions!

New York Times newspaper
The Economist magazine
U.S. News and World Reports
Discovery News
British Broadcasting Company


Once you have compiled all the articles and have analyzed them thoroughly, you will probably have noticed several trends or commonalities. Even though the events you found occur at different places throughout the world, you will notice similar trends in a wide variety of locations. An example of this is the impact of AIDS in both Africa and Asia. Though these areas are vastly different culturally, politically, and economically, similarities in how each region faces the problem of AIDS will be easy to spot. If you choose ethnic conflict in Russia and the Middle East, the same parallels will emerge. This should work for any topic you select.

Some historical examples you may wish to consider when comparing your modern trend with the past:
Migration: Irish potato famine, Columbian exchange, Europeans and African slaves in the Western Hemisphere.
Conflict: the Crusades fought between European Christians and Arab Muslims.
Environmental issues: impact of the Industrial Revolution, European crops coming to the New World, New World crops in Africa and Asia, the potato.
Health: the Plague in Athens, Black Plague in Europe and Asia, smallpox in the New World, influenza pandemic after WWI.
Slavery: Arab slavery, Atlantic slave trade, caste system in India.
Communication: Egyptian hieroglyphs and scribes, Battle of Marathon, Great Wall of China, block printing in China, moveable type printer (Gutenberg), telegraph and telephone.


 Papers will be 5-7 pages plus your bibliography. You MUST use 2-3 resources from the Library (Mr. Miller will introduce you to these resources).
 10-12pt font Arial or Times New Roman
 We will have 3 class days in the Information Center to work on your research and learn proper research and paper writing skills(Thursday, May 20, Friday, May 21 and Monday, May 24)
 This paper can be compared to a Change Over Time essay, in that you will explain the issue, then write about it in the modern world and then research and report on its historical trend. Make sure you include changes and continuities!
 Papers will be due NO later than Wednesday, June 9!!!! (Late Papers will lose 10 points for each day they are late!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mr. Brian McAuliffe-----English Department-----A.P. Literature and Composition Research Assignment

WMHS Library Resources
Virtual Reference Collection
Bloom's Literary Reference Online
Twain's Author Series
Proquest Multiple Databases (NY Times, Academic Journals)
Student Resource Center
Literature Resource Center
Academic Integrity

Assignment. Choose a major work or an author we have studied this year, a novelist, playwright, or short story writer. Or choose a poem or poet we have studied. Write a 5-7 page research paper about this subject using a minimum of three legitimate outside sources. Your paper must follow MLA guidelines for manuscript format and citation conventions.

Getting Started. Begin with a school-sponsored site (e.g. Bloom or Gale Group). The subject should be one that you are interested in. It may be one that you have already thought about (e.g., the role of female characters in Hamlet), or it may be a question you have not yet considered (e.g., How much did Dylan Thomas use “closed form” in his poetry?)

Read pages 2179-2184 in your textbook. This will give you an overview of what this kind of paper entails. It also addresses important issues like internet reliability and plagiarism.

Review the hand out, “Sample Research Topics.” This will give you some idea of suitable topics for this assignment. It may also stimulate ideas of your own. Whatever topic you choose must be related directly to this course; it should not derive from a class you took previously (e.g., A.P. Language, 11 H, or 10H).

Some of the work on this assignment will be done in school, though obviously you will have to do drafting on your own time. Steps along the way will be graded.


______May 12 ___ Topic due

______May 24 ___Tentative thesis statement and Preliminary Works Cited due

______May 28___ Rough draft peer annotation

_____ June 4____
Paper due

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mr. Jeffrey Harris-----Economics

Library Resources

Virtual Reference Collection
Business Company Resource Center
Proquest Multiple Databases (Newsday, New York Times, Wall Street Journal)


As the holiday season approaches, consumers have to tough economic choices they have to make. For some, it’s a budget, for others, its credit time. As we have studied the budget is the better of the two possibilities. With that being said, we are preparing budgets for what to get for our loved ones and friends for the holidays. Companies have spent the past year formulating plans, and spending millions, to try to get into your budget, and even worse, how to get you to spend outside of your budget. They are hoping that through advertising, word of mouth, or Oprah will give them the season’s winner

There are many resources that we will use in this supply and demand exercise, culminating with a PowerPoint. We will define what the major key terms in Chapter six are. These terms, along with Chapter five’s will help us get a sense of what supply and demand does to prices and how companies determine what to charge.

1. Terms that we need to know:
a. Price-
b. Rebate-
c. Economic Model-
d. Equilibrium Price-
e. Surplus-
f. Shortage-
g. Change in Supply-
h. Change in Demand-
i. Changes in Supply and Demand-
j. Price Ceiling-
k. Price Floor-
l. Target Price-
2. Once you have those complete, you will randomly choose a topic.
3. Once you have your topic you must:
a. Describe what the product is. Listen, I am in my mid-thirties and just because I assign it, does not mean I have a clue what it is. Explain the product, and based on your research, was there a reason the company decided to create this item. Was there a need that this want is filling? Is there a demographic it is trying reach?
b. What is the stock of the company saying? Go to yahoo finance and research the stock. Check out the chart on the company’s page and look at how the company is doing. Search back one year and see how the stock has been doing since last years’ holiday season. What are the analysts saying about the company and describe the forecast.
c. Now it is time for the vocabulary. Using at least six terms, include them in a slide and explain how they relate to your product. Example- Tickle Me Elmo’s target price this holiday will be $45.00. I believe, based on this information, the research and the analysts stating the cost would perform well at etc…
d. Include pictures, graphics and any other pertinent information.