Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mr. Ira Sterne-----Social Studies Department----Holocaust Assignment

Many Nazi doctors and scientists justified their “experiments” as advancing their nation and the cause of science.
QUESTION 1 In light of historical evidence, and codes of accepted practices how do these justifications and experiments conflict with the concept of social and moral righteousness?
QUESTION 2 Is it really ethical to use the data-that is- the results of these experiments? Can their use be justified? If what happened is now history, is it okay to look at this data? (“what’s done is done”)
You should use the list of modern experimental guidelines that is on the reverse of the Milgram handout.
Further Information Center Resources:
Gale Student Resources in Context
ABC-CLIO World Histopry/Modern Era
Facts.com World News Digest (1940 to present)
Proquest Historical NY Times (from 1851)
Proquest Multiple Databases
Academic Integrity
Some keywords with which to search are:
Hippocratic Oath
Declaration of Helsinki
Nuremberg Code
Tuskegegee Medical Study-U.S. Public Health Service
American Biologic Experimentation in Guatemala(This was just declassified)
1) Nazi Medical Experiments
2) Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine
3) The Ethics Of Using Medical Data From Nazi Experiments
4) Nazi Medical Experiments
5) A Synopsis of the Medical Experiments of Nazi Doctors
6) The Nazi Doctors
7) Human medical experimentation in the United States
8) Personal Statements from Victims

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ms. Christine Kunkel-----English Department-----Sophomore English Library Research Assignment

1. Search the following databases for documents that pertain to Maya Angelou.
eLibrary: Periodicals
Bloom's Literary Reference Online
use for interview, literary reference/criticism
Gale Cengage Learning Database
Student Resources in Context
Literature Reference Center
use for interview, literary reference/criticism, scholarly journals
         2. Identify, read, and print out two documents about Maya Angelou that most appeal to you. Acceptable types of documents include, but are not limited to:
• an interview
• a literary reference article
• a literary criticism
• a newspaper or scholarly journal article
3. Bring both of these documents to class with you on Monday, November 29, 2010.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sra. Liz Brecht-----Spanish-----Como Agua Para Chocolate por Laura Esquivel


Library Resources
Virtual Reference Collection
Bloom's Literary Reference Online
Gale Cengage Learning Databases
Student Resources in Context
LiteratureReference Center
WMHS Library Online Catalog
Academic Integrity
NoodleTools Citation System
Citation Machine



Escribe sobre los personajes siguientes:

Mamá Elena ___________________________________










la narradora______________________________________


Las frases siguientes te podrían ayudar a escribir un resumen del cuento
a. Tita teje y llora toda la noche.
b. Juan, el padre de Tita, muere.
c. Pedro y Rosaura se mudan a Tejas y Tita no puede alimentar a Roberto.
d. Esperanza se casa con Alex.
e. Mamá Elena muere.
f. Pedro acepta casarse con Rosaura.
g. Mamá Elena da a luz sobre la mesa de la cocina.
h. John y Tita no se casan.
i. Todos los invitados se enferman.
j. Roberto muere.
k. Tita aprende de los cerrillos internos que John dice que todos tenemos.
l. Nacha cuida a Tita en la cocina y llega a ser como una madre para ella
m. Nacha muere.
n. Tita se vuelve “loca” y John la lleva a su casa en Tejas.
o. Rosaura tiene un bebé, Roberto.
p. Gertrudis regresa al rancho.
q. Mamá Elena le dice a Tita que ella nunca va a poder casarse con Pedro.
r. Pedro le dice a Tita que la ama.
s. Rosaura tiene otro bebé, Esperanza.
t. Tita y Pedro comienzan una relación y Tita piensa que está embarazada.
u. Tita decide unirse a Pedro en la muerte.
v. Tita averigua que ella NO está embarazada y se lo dice a Pedro.
w. Nacha y Tita hacen el pastel para la boda de Rosaura y Pedro.
x. Tita regresa al rancho.
y. Tita y Pedro están solos y mientras están juntos, Pedro muere.
z. Tita acepta casarse con John.

Como Agua Para Chocolate por Laura Esquivel
Composición – 150 palabras
Todos nos deprimimos a veces y por diferentes razones. Describe alguna situación por cual te has deprimido o te deprimirías y como es que se te alivia la frustración.

Hay personas para quienes la comida es un alivio. ¿Qué tipo de papel tiene la comida en tu vida
emocional? ¿Dejas de comer cuando estás deprimido/a o comes algo en particular, como por ejemplo el helado? ¿Hay alguna comida en particular que te hace feliz?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ms. Dianne Kraemer---Social Studies Department---The Unification of Germany and Italy

Historical Background: Nationalist movements led to the creation of several new nations across Europe during the mid-1800s.
TASK: Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. Attach this sheet to your responses. COUNTS AS A QUIZ GRADE. Due Monday 11/15.
1. What is nationalism?

2. What are the possible results of nationalism? http://www.regentsprep.org/Regents/global/themes/nationalism/index.cfm

3. How can nationalism be a unifying force on a group of people?

4. How did nationalism lead to the creation of nation-states in Italy and Germany? (Briefly describe) http://www.regentsprep.org/Regents/global/themes/nationalism/unification.cfm

5. Identify the following individuals and identify what each individual’s role was in the unification process of Italy: http://www.beyondbooks.com/eur12/2a.asp

a. Giuseppe Mazzini-

b. Camillo Cavour

c. Giuseppe Garibaldi

6. Who is Otto Von Bismarck?

7. What was his role in German Unification?

8. What is Otto Von Bismarck’s policy of “Blood and Iron”? http://www.regentsprep.org/Regents/global/themes/nationalism/unification.cfm

9. What is a Kaiser?

10. Who is the first Kaiser of the unified Germany?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sra.Gisela Muller-----Presentaciones

LAS MODAS DE LAS DÉCADAS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS de los años/50's/60's/70's/80's/90's Rubrica Todo Estará hecho en ACCIONE EL PUNTO (Power Point)Usen libros, la Red y citación Buscan informes sobre:1. el estilo de vestirse 2. La música 3. Las modos de transporte (carros, etc.) 4. Tecnología 5. Estilos del cabello 6. Avances de médicina 7. Palabras de moda 8. Personas de moda 9. Personas importantes 10. Pasatiempos populares 11. Noticias importantes 12. ESCOJAN UN PAIS HISPANOHABLANTE Y COMPAREN Y CONTRASTEN LOS ELEMENTOS DEL 1-11  Recurso de la Biblioteca Sitio   
Due November 22, 2010

Mrs. Deborah Gandt--English Department--I Search Paper--10R

Big 6 Information Skills Featured in this Lesson
3. Location and Access
3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically)
3.2 Find information within resources
Students will locate academic websites and use online databases
4. Use of Information
4.1 Engage (e.g. read, hear view) the information within a source
4.2 Extract relevant information from a source
Students will review their research and receive instruction in the Noodletools Citation System

Library Resources
Student Resources in Context
Literature Resource Center
Bloom's Literary Reference Online
Twayne's Authors Series
Online Catalog
Academic Integrity

Home Access Passwords are Available in the Information Center
The I-Search Paper
Notes based on The I Search Paper (1988) by Ken Macrorie
Q. What is a traditional term paper/ research paper (at its worst)?
A. An exercise in badly done bibliography
B. An introduction into the art of plagiarism
C. Alien to its writer.
D. A triumph in meaninglessness
E. All of the above
The I-Search Paper directly involves you, the writer, into both process (searching for info) and product (the writing about that search). It challenges the concept that research is the searching again for information already documented. If you have never searched for information on the topic before, there is little re about it. You will connect to the topic in a unique way that cannot be ignored.
The paper will have five components:
1. My Question (and why I decided to research this question) “I” format
2. My Search Process (the story of the hunt) “I” format
3. What I Have Learned (connect findings to the original question) NOT “I” format
4. What This Means To Me (how has researching this question changed you) “I” format
5. Works Cited Page (all references in alphabetical order)
6. Oral Presentation ( speech, skit, poster, video, or some other exhibition of knowledge to be presented to the class) January 2009
Examination of the six components:
1.My Question: You may research a question of interest to you. All topics must be approved by Mrs. Gandt. Some sample topics are: Greek drama/tragedy, Greek theaters, civil disobedience, concept of the Greek hero, migrant workers in California in 1930’s, agriculture in California in the 1930’s, Dust Bowl, book banning in the United States, book burning in history, family and gender roles in the early 1900’s. I suggest you select a topic of personal interest. Explain where your question originated, what you think you know about this topic and what you want to learn. CAVEAT: must have at least one graphic component. “I”(first person) format
2. My Search Process: Keep a journal of your search and this section will be easier to write. You are encouraged to use a variety of resources. Keep note cards on Noodle Tools. Some that I suggest you consider are:
o Google Images
 read books magazines, newspapers, or reference texts
 watch videos or television shows
 use database reference tools
 interview people or conduct surveys
 go on a personal field trip
Then you will describe the sequence of steps in your research. You may also discuss if your question changed as you researched. “I” format
3. What I Have Learned: In this section you will focus on three of four major findings or conclusions and support them with examples, stories, or arguments that will help the reader understand how you arrived at these conclusions. You will also connect your findings to the original question. You should include any analysis you did (cause and effect, pro/con, compare and contrast, or sequencing). At least two (2) references to the graphic and three (3) quotations with parenthetical notations must be included. Typical research paper section. This section is NOT IN “I” FORMAT.
4. What This Means to Me: You will answer the question: what do you now know about searching for information that you didn’t know before? To answer this you must describe the findings that meant the most to you. You may also want to discuss how this new knowledge will affect the way you will act and think in the future. You may also want to write about the skills you developed as a researcher and a writer. “I” format
5. Works Cited: This is an alphabetical listing of all the sources you found, good and bad, using the MLA format. The library will instruct you in Noodle Tools. Keep an up-to-date journal of all sources as you use them; they are very difficult to rediscover for vital info. References must include two databases and websites, if applicable. Do not list search engines (Google).
6. Oral Presentation: We will discuss this as a class. You may choose a speech format, an original skit, original video, original poem or some other exhibition of knowledge to the class. Do not be concerned with this at the start; an idea will come to you. All ideas do need my seal of approval, but I do endorse creativity.
No PowerPoint. January 2011.
Actual paper:
 must be typed (and original saved for portfolio purposes)
 12 point
 Times New Roman
 black ink for text
 illustrations do not count as pages of text
 do not plagiarize or just ‘cut and paste’
 illustrations and titles may appropriately be in color
 must include:
• title page with appropriate title (not I-Search paper), your name, date, period and English 10R, Mrs. Gandt and optional graphic
• My Question pages ( about 1 ½ typed)
• My Search Process pages ( about 1 ½ typed)
• What I Have Learned pages (3-5 typed)
• What This Means To Me pages (about 1 ½ typed)
• Works Cited page listing sources precisely according to MLA Advanced format (use Noodle Tools only)
Dates are tentative. Gandt/English 10R
Nov. 15  LibraryNov. 16  Guidance Visit
Nov 17   Libraary
Nov 18   video
Nov 19   video
Nov 22   Library; My Question Due
Nov 23   Library
Nov 25   Thanksgiving
Nov. 29  Vocab 5
Nov 30   Antigone-My Search Process Due
Dec 2     Vocab Test

Dec 6     Library W Cite
Dec 7     What I Have Learned Due
Dec 8     Work Cited Due
Dec 9     What This Means To Me Due
Dec 13   I Search Due; Vocab 6
Dec 16   Vovab Test
Dec 17   Antigone Critical Lense
Dec 21   Antigone Test 
• Rough drafts of I-Search Paper due on above dates
• Antigone will be read in class, but it is also is available on line at http://www.krucli.com/Antigone%20text.htm
• Bring notebook daily for journal entries.
• Antigone: pop quizzes, act tests, final test and critical lens essay
Oral presentations in January 2011!
Works Cited
"Business Coalition for Climate Action Doubles." Environmental Defense. 8 May 2007. Environmental Defense Organization. 24 May 2007 .
Clinton, Bill. Interview. New York Times on the Web. May 2007. 25 May 2007 . Keyword: Climate.
Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times on the Web 22 May 2007. 25 May 2007