Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mrs. Barbara Inners, Chairperson-WMHS English Department

Research Narrative Paper Draft Due March 7, 2008
Research Question: What author and book will I use for my semester project?
Requirements: Write a three page (1,000 words) paper detailing your search for your author and book, including at least three authors you have investigated in the process. The paper might begin with the auhor you previewed for the class the first week and should end with the selection of your author and book. Include a bibliography of sources using NoodleTools.
The three authors you consider in your research narrative may be chosen from:
-Authors in your textbook who are not British or American
-The last 30 years of Nobel Prize winners
-Recent winners of the Man Booker Prize who are not British (such as Australian writers Peter Carey or Thomas Keneally)


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