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Senior Writing 114:02
Ward Melville High School
Mr. Smith
Research-Based Paper:
For the next three weeks you are to engulf yourself in a topic, supplement your interest with research, develop a clear, arguable thesis which provides clear reasons that are, in turn, supported by solid evidence.
DO NOT FEAR! While the research paper in title and scope seems daunting, it is something that you’ve had a lot of experience with for most of your academic lives. This semester we have read various personal essays where the writer argues or persuades the reader to do or invoke some degree of acceptance of their position. This paper is your opportunity to persuade others on a position you are passionate about. With that in mind first and foremost you must select a topic which will sustain your interest as well as the research process.
A few basic requirements:
Ø Length: 5-7 pages (double-spaced)
Ø Type: Times New Roman-12 font
Ø Sources : A minimum of 5 sources (5-7 total)
Ø Citation: conforms to MLA style
There will be specific due dates for assignments leading to the completion of the final paper. These benchmarks
· Topic Approval (5%) DUE _______
· Statement of Difficulty letter (20%) DUE _______
· Annotated Works Cited (20%) DUE _______
· Outline (15%) DUE _______
· Final Paper (40%) DUE _______
Please note a few precautions to start. Your evidence should be properly evaluated. Note that some common Internet sites (i.e. Wikipedia) are not reputable. At least part of your evidence must come from at least two essays that present interesting opinions on your topic. You must do outside research for this paper!
Remember in presenting a researched argument that your claim should be what you consider to be the “best solution” to the topic’s issue question. In doing so, please provide the proper attention to opposing viewpoints.
Below is a list of topics that may assist in getting started. Spend some time considering angles and questions that may stem from these to consider. You are not limited to these in any way! Consider them as they best fit into what you would like to argue.
Paper Topics:
Choose Your Topic
Choose your own narrowed topic on an issue within the subject of belief. Your research topic must be related in some way to the works we’ve studied over this semester. You may consider any issue about which you feel passionate, but you must have your topic approved so that I understand your direction. Ideas include:
Tim O’Brien ----------War
Barry Lopez ----------Environment
Alan Dershowitz ----------Civil Liberties
William Safire---------- Gun Regulation
E.B. White---------- Children’s Literature
Violence ----------Sports
Gender Limits---------- Media
Public Education ----------Immigration
National holidays ----------Conscription
Regulation of the Internet ----------Global Climate Change
Wildlife preservation---------- Science